Analysis, perspectives and comparison of criminal law and the procedures applied in international justice.




Human rights, vulnerable groups, vulnerability, justice, law.


This work is the product of a documentary review that aimed to analyze procedural rights in vulnerable groups from the national and international framework. The study focuses on a reflective and analytical legal analysis. A taxonomic category heuristic method was applied in qualitative methodology. It has been developed in two phases: the first refers to the theoretical-legal framework and the second seeks to point out the procedural rights of vulnerable groups in judicial processes. In the reflective study, the existence of primary and secondary vulnerability was observed. The need to generate a protocol for the attention of procedural rights in vulnerable groups in protection of human rights is concluded.


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How to Cite

Salguero Galarraga , V. H. . (2024). Analysis, perspectives and comparison of criminal law and the procedures applied in international justice. REINCISOL, 3(5), 1059–1076.
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