Analysis of gradual action in Ecuador, oriented to existing legislation and its legal effects




fraud, obligation, paulian action, fair price, illegal act.


The general objective of the research was to legally analyze the Paulian Rescissory Action from the Ecuadorian Civil Code. The development of the research was focused from the positivist paradigm, from the quantitative perspective, of descriptive type is complemented by a documentary-bibliographic design, which allowed the collection of information extracted from the different legal texts approaching the analytical method focusing on the study of particular aspects, examined in the analysis of written content, through the analytical-synthetic, obtaining new knowledge of the mental decomposition into several elements. Likewise, laws, norms, theses, and theories were analyzed, contributing to the deepening of the subject under study. It is concluded that it is important to consider the rules established before the elaboration of a contract, to avoid the violation of the rights of citizens. It is important to point out that the rescissory action is not limited in time.


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How to Cite

Ayala Martínez , J. G. . (2024). Analysis of gradual action in Ecuador, oriented to existing legislation and its legal effects. REINCISOL, 3(5), 1019–1033.
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