Exploring technological advances in the promotion of Educational Inclusion: The fundamental contribution of Artificial Intelligence in the Learning process
Education, inclusive, education system,Abstract
The article developed below aims to explore the contribution of artificial intelligence and technology in the phenomena of educational inclusion, so that the gaps and opportunities that educational institutions and teaching sectors have in the formation of of learning dynamics for everyone without exception. To do this, in the first instance a documentary search is carried out of the articles and previous studies that are developed around the implementation of strategies in the classroom or in educational institutions, from the use of technological platforms or the creation of software or artificial intelligence programs for the non-exclusion of any sector in the educational landscape. The methodology that is implemented is of a qualitative approach since it seeks to analyze social phenomena that represent culture through processes of observation and examination of facts; Following this perspective, an exploratory analysis is applied that aims to link educational proposals for inclusion from technology and artificial intelligence. Apart from the above, the methodology establishes a selection of documents that meet inclusion criteria to form a relevant analysis on the topic and thus propose ways to improve and make visible gaps and opportunities.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Janina Consuelo Pérez Cruz, Nury Gabriela Ortiz Moya, Evelin Mariela Miranda Hermosa , Javier Ezequiel Campaña Bejarano
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