Application of tetanalgesia in neonate pain
Tetanalgesia; application; neonate; breastfeeding; pain.Abstract
Throughout history, pain in the newborn has not pao timely evaluation or treatment due to false beliefs and myths. However, it has been shown that neonates are capable of feeling pain and that its presence can have a series of negative consequences both in the short and long term. Non-pharmacological methods have shown their numerous benefits in reducing pain, and more specifically tetanalgesia or providing breast milk to reduce it. The Objective To know the benefits of the application of tetanalgesia in pain in the newborn Methods Once the research question and the objectives that were intended to be achieved were defined, the bibliographic search based on scientific evidence was carried out. It has been seen that breastfeeding significantly reduces mild-moderate pain, heart rate and crying, when at least the first five minutes pass after the start of breastfeeding during a minor procedure. It should be emphasized that for the use of tetanalgesia, the mother's criteria regarding breastfeeding must be considered; since there may be situations that do not allow the mother to breastfeed, such as suffering from illnesses or taking medication.
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