Educational strategy on preconception risk in the female population of childbearing age. Ecuador


  • Dayelli Elizabeth Ortega Liquinchano Universidad Técnica Ambato
  • Karina Macías Ferreiro Universidad Técnica Ambato



preconception risk; women; health; studies; adolescents; pregnancy.


The Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) is affected by various risk factors across its different stages. Preventing these risks during the reproductive process is crucial for achieving good reproductive health development. Methods for preventing reproductive risk must begin before conception. This study aims to contribute to this goal by implementing an educational intervention on preconception risk to increase the level of knowledge and risk perception in fertile-aged women in the Parish of San Andrés, Píllaro Canton. A longitudinal-prospective, descriptive, quasi-experimental, participatory action study (educational intervention) was conducted on preconception risk (PRC) in fertile-aged women. The technique used was a survey, and the instrument was a questionnaire. The study sample showed that in relation to biological risks, extreme ages were the most prevalent, with adolescence being the most incident (15 years old or younger, 37.8%, and women over 45 years old, 35.1%). In terms of sociocultural risks, low educational level was prevalent (56.7%), as well as multiparity (33.7%) and low birth weight (27%). The participants' knowledge improved satisfactorily, indicating the effectiveness of the educational intervention. The most important results are achieved by defining the types of risk, concepts, and actions to take


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How to Cite

Ortega Liquinchano, D. E. ., & Macías Ferreiro , K. . (2024). Educational strategy on preconception risk in the female population of childbearing age. Ecuador. REINCISOL, 3(5), 875–889.
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