Test anxiety in nursing students from Guayaquil city.





Exam Anxiety; Nursing Students; Nursing Education.


Objective: Determine the level of test anxiety that nursing students have.

Method: Quantitative, descriptive research, carried out on 76 nursing students from a university in the city of Guayaquil, to whom the Anxiety Scale was applied to the “Cognitive Test Anxiety Scale – 2nd Edition” exam, in the month April 2024. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

Results: Among the causes of perceived anxiety, academic responsibilities stand out with 56.57%, followed by personal problems with 22.36%, among the symptoms that appeared in periods of anxiety, headache, tremor stood out. eyelid pain and sensation of palpitations as well as epigastralgia. 47.36% of students have moderate exam anxiety, highlighting statements such as: “When I finish a difficult exam, I am afraid to see the grade” “During exams, I usually think about the consequences I will have if I fail” and “A I often realize the mistakes I made right after handing in an exam” which were the statements with the highest selection percentage.

Conclusion: Test anxiety is a major problem affecting nursing students at all levels. Early detection of this problem is recommended in students beginning their nursing career in order to generate coping strategies for anxiety.


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How to Cite

Salazar Guashpa, L. A. ., Llamuca Pacurucu, A. A., Chávez Molina, O. O. ., & Franco Coffré , . J. A. . (2024). Test anxiety in nursing students from Guayaquil city. REINCISOL, 3(5), 727–744. https://doi.org/10.59282/reincisol.V3(5)727-744
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