Economic analysis of the extraction of oleoresin from turmeric (cúrcuma longa) in Quinindé.




Oleoresin; Economic analysis; Turmeric Long; Ethanol.


turmeric oleoresin can be extracted from the roots of turmeric due to its granularity through solid – liquid extraction using ethanol as a solvent, the concentration of solvent and the relationship between plant material, temperature and time are the main factors to consider during the extraction since, depending on each one of them, a different result can be obtained. Based on the results of the statistical and economic analysis, the following optimal conditions were determined: ethanol concentration of (97%) temperature of (80ºC) and an approximate time of (90 minutes) to optimize the extraction process and obtain the content of turmeric oleoresin in a profitable manner, the extraction process was developed in accordance with the proposed experimental design taking into account a constant mixing factor for adequate interaction of the materials, resulting in an average percentage of 1.079% of the three samples taken from the experiment and through the formulas applied, it is concluded that the value is lower compared to other authors but nevertheless it is possible to determine that the extraction of oleoresin from turmeric using the Soxhlet method as an extraction method and Ethanol as a solvent is technically viable.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Vite, M. Y. ., Meza Cisneros, J. A. ., Intriago Mendoza, F. R. ., & Torres Avellán, D. A. . (2024). Economic analysis of the extraction of oleoresin from turmeric (cúrcuma longa) in Quinindé. REINCISOL, 3(5), 605–639.
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