Challenges and Barriers in the Implementation of Inclusive Education. Case: Ecuador.




Inclusive Education, Inclusion, Public Policy, Diversity, Inclusion Strategies


The present article thoroughly examines the complexities associated with the incorporation of inclusive education policies in Ecuador. Despite significant legislative advances marked by the 2008 Constitution and subsequent laws such as the Organic Law of Intercultural Education and the Organic Law on Disabilities, which are designed to ensure universal educational access, practical reality faces considerable obstacles. Through a multidimensional perspective, both public policies and social perceptions and attitudes regarding inclusion were assessed. As a result, a disparity in the understanding and adoption of what inclusion entails is revealed, leading to fragmented and often unsatisfactory implementations.

Finally, this research significantly contributes to the academic and political debate on inclusive education in Ecuador, providing a robust foundation for the design of future policies and strategies that address the diversity of educational needs. Therefore, the insufficiency of resources, deficiencies in teacher training, and infrastructural limitations, which prevent the full effectiveness of a truly inclusive educational system, are highlighted.


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How to Cite

González Encalada, A. E. ., Sarango Quezada, B. A. ., & Morocho Uguña, A. F. . (2024). Challenges and Barriers in the Implementation of Inclusive Education. Case: Ecuador . REINCISOL, 3(5), 553–573.
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